Finally you are considering to visit Poland, but just as almost all the people in the world, maybe you are feeling now a little bit nervous about how this trip is going to be, if you would like the people and the touristic places in this city or if this place is not to expensive or too dangerous to enjoy your holidays.
Poland is one of my favourite places in Europe, it has a lot of touristic places in every part of the country; in Poland you can find special places for each kind of person, for example if you like the big cities or if you prefer prefers small but romantic cities, where you can walk for hours and hours and always be impressed by the beautiful architecture .
I have here 20 reasons why Poland is more amazing than you think:
1) All Saint’s Tradition – amazing as it looks

2) Warsaw Uprising Memorial Day

3) Disco Polo Music

4) The Mysterious Crooked Forest

5) Difficulty of Polish language

6) The Niedzica Castle and its legend

7) The Wolf’s Lair and Auschwitz – #NeverForget

8) Bocian, żubr and łoś

9) Fairytale places like the underground world Wieliczka

10) The Wroclaw’s Dwarfs

11) The beauty of the Old Towns

12) Remarkable people during history

13) Incredible legends like the Wawel Dragon

14) It is not only pierogi and kielbasa

15) The famous Polish weddings

16) Pol’and’Rock Festival – the biggest festival in Europe

17) Tha magnificent Polish mountains

18) Royal residences in Warsaw

19) Fat Thursday – The happiest day in Poland

20) Amazing piwo

….That’s why you should visit Poland right now, and live unforgettable moments… :)
I’m really impressed about the way you write about Poland – being a Pole in England, I realise that there are some things in Poland that will never be replaced in my heart. Thank you for reminding me of why my country is great :)
Your country is an amazing place! I really love to live here! :D
Is your plan to stay for good? I was born in Poland and live in my 6th country now, Eastern Germany, and must admit that I find it too close to Poland and far too many Poles are around me, because of proximity of the polish – german boarder. Polish drivers cause me to be happy to be where I am and employees of small polish shops too. Wonder why Biedronkas staff is not trained to be pleasant? Castorama has it sorted out almost. After 40 years abroad many things grate on me horribly and yes, things that you write about in your blog are true but they are tiny snippets which are intertwined with enormouss gloom and greyness, especially in the current political situation. Luck of smiles and kindness gets to me a lot. Someone told me that it might be because I live not far from Szczecin, not the friendliest of cities. Is it better in the depths of Poland? I dealt with Mexicans while living and running a business in California and found them happy and chatty, so that’s why its hard for me to understand how you put up with lack of it in Poland.