
** In this post I am not trying to offend anyone, I am not being racist, macho or anti-feminist, it is just a post written with a sense of humor**

Some time ago I received a few suggestions from our Polish girls readers about writing a post about the women in Poland. So I though to write a post called ‘Why you should marry a Polish girl?‘ – I loved the idea, so here we go.

I have been living in Poland for almost 2 years, the time here has been fantastic and the truth is that it is incredible how many times a man can fall in love in this country.

ludwika paleta Polish Mexican actress
Ludwika Paleta Polish Mexican actress

The reasons you should marry with a girl from Poland

  • They are the most beautiful, pretty and sexy woman I have ever seen
  • They are really intelligent and smart – if you are a man, I´m afraid they will be smarter than you
  • They speak more than 1 language fluently – something good if you are a foreigner
  • They are possessive (some of them do exaggerate) but being with these women you cannot say anything
  • They can drink, drink and drink litres of vodka and not get drunk – I have not been able to beat them in that
  • They have the secret of the eternal youth – they look like 20 years old and they might have more than 30
  • They have beautiful eyes that hypnotise the bravest men
  • They are really close to their families – if they live in another city they will go to visit them a lot of times during the year
  • A lot of variety – tall, short, blonde, redheads, brunettes, blue eyes, green eyes, gray eyes, etc.
  • They are proud of their history, culture, language and country
  • They are really open to new things and new people
  • They love to dance – one advantage for all the Latino guys
  • They know how to cook – well, not all of them, but you can always order a pizza
  • They dress and make up like top models
  • And Polish women are so incredibly HOT!!!! (with all the respect)

Mexican blogger living in Poland


  1. Adrianna

    The most important adventage of Polish girl is that she can make pierogi :3

  2. Matindcrossed

    Worser if a polish girl seduced you into love only to use you out and destroyed everything you belived in when it comes to love… then fall in love in a american girl and find out that traveling to her is problematic bc of visa restrictions and costs… Jeez. I personally never met women smarter then me in Poland only prude and anxious ones that care for money and think love is a man doing what they want or playing games to see how far you would go for her but reverse way they abondon you when a better guy is on the horrizont.

  3. Why so much hate here???

    OK, so I am a Polish woman living in México (5 years)… And I can say, yes, Polish woman are (in general) emotional, and like to think that is not just one night stand. At least when it happens in Poland and she is not drunk. Abroad, on a vacation it is other case… So if you just want to sleep with a Polish girl do it but don´t stay till morning, take her number, facebook, instagram and lie that you will call or text. Does it not apply to all of the world?

    Yes, we know, when we are cheated. At least we know that something is not right. Sometimes we just don´t want to face it (sad but true). But that refers to all the women, not just the Polish ones. In general, women can learn microexpressions much better that men do (scientifically proved). So, men, think twice before cheating your girl, whatever nationality she is.

    It surprise me, though, that you think Polish Women are possesive… especially if you compare them to the Latinos… I know Mexican guys (and girls as well) that stop to go out with their friends while in relationship because they are so jealous and do not trust one another.

    By the way… in what language should I write the comments here? english / polish / spanish…;)?
