I want to start this post by asking you some questions:
- 1) Do you like to travel?
- 2) Do you have passion in knowing new places?
- 3) Are you interested in knowing people from different cultures?
- 4) Did you dream one day in exploring the whole world?
- 5) Are you interested in learning a new language?
- 6) Did you ever have the feeling that you do not belong to just one place?
- 7) Can you take risks?
- 8) Do you consider yourself as an independent person?
- 9) Can you live without your dog or cat?
- 10) Do you like to live new adventures?
- 11) Do you want that your passport is full of stamps?
- 12) Do you want to improve your education/working experience?
- 13) Do you want to experience bureaucracy in different languages and realize that bureaucracy in your country is not that bad?
- 14) Do you want to use Skype more than ever?
- 15) Do you want to see the sunset in the other side of the world?
- 16) Do you want to show that your country is the best of the world?
- 17) Will you sacrifice your favorite food for just some frozen food?
- 18) Can you live without your family and closest friends?
- 19) Are you tired of the daily routine?
- 20) Do you want to visit all those magical places that you see in every movie?
If you answered YES to most of the previous questions you definitely need to live abroad at least once in your life. If you considered to live abroad before, now is the time to do it! Do not hesitate! Take the risk! And is never too late to reach your dreams!
And if you answered NO to most of the questions… sorry but living abroad is not for you.
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